"Get out of your own way Khisha!" I said this to myself about a month ago and this time I meant it. Like for real for real, straight shot no chaser. I have been getting stuck halfway through things long enough. I've started so many projects and right in the middle, I stop or something else distracts me then I'm on to something new. The distractions come in various ways; i.e.; something is harder than I expected and I don’t want to commit the time or energy to finish, I start excited and mid-way I lose interest, I became discouraged and lose confidence thinking I can't successfully complete the project but the primary culprit is fear. Fear is the nemeses behind my self-sabotage. So let's be honest for a moment, am I the only one that has felt this way? I highly doubt it but there are times that I feel like I'm alone and everyone else is winning, I can't pass Go to collect my $200. That's a reference to the game Monopoly in case anyone missed that one.
In all seriousness, has anyone ever told you to, "get out of your own way?" or maybe it's you having a moment like I did of self-realization when it finally became crystal clear that you need to get out of your own way. The reality is we'll never obtain the level of success we claim we want, personal or professional if we aren't honest about the habits, actions, or quite frankly inaction that's blocking us. It boils down to the absence of focus, discipline, or even resources. I have spent time, far too much time concentrating on the wrong things. I stay in my head and I overthink things which stalls my decision-making to the point of paralysis. I've nestled up to my comfort zone like Linus with his beloved blue blanket and talked myself out of taking risks. Linus is a character from Charlie Brown in case you missed that reference too.
"Go for it, take the leap", full of inspiration I've told myself on numerous occasions. I'd start strong but then the distractions come and I stall. I've been marching in circles starting and stopping projects for too long. It's time to Go after it! For me, the "it" represents the confidence and transparency to share my gifts, to put myself out there, share my writing with the world; to finish the book I've been working on for over 4 years, to complete the documentary I've been toiling with for almost 3 years. Fear heightens my focus on my perceived lack; lack of resources, money, equipment, network, skillset, time, and thinking too big. Thinking too big can become a distraction. Don't get me wrong thinking big is a good thing for your vision but I've had to scale my expectations for the reality of where I am and leave room to grow. Growing will mean getting things wrong, maybe even failing but it's part of the process. One of the executive managers of the company I work for says, "fail fast." I like that attitude because you can move on to what works once you know what doesn't. No one seriously wants to fail but failing presents the opportunity to get back up and try again until we capture the win. Everyone loves a comeback story. It's impossible to live this life free of failure or mistakes but there lie our best lessons. So let's give ourselves permission to fly. I've given myself the freedom to take the risk, accept the challenge and live out doing the work. I want to see where it takes me. You'll see and hear more from me, that's my word. Starting this blog is one manifestation of me getting out of my own way. I'm proud of myself for taking the leap. There's so much more I have to share with you. If you can relate what ways have you gotten in your own way? I'd like to hear about it.
